10 Things You Need to Know About Cigar Humidor
Cigars are more than just a smoke, they're a lifestyle and a culture. Whether you’re new to cigars or are a seasoned aficionado, storing your cigars properly becomes crucial as your collection grows. That's where a good electric humidor comes in. Not only does it increase your storage capacity, but it also provides a stable environment to keep your cigars at their best flavor and aroma.Here are 10 essential tips about cigar humidors to help you pick the right one for you.
1. How to Choose the Right Capacity?
Think about how many cigars you plan to store when selecting the size of your humidor. For instance, a 23L cigar humidor can hold about 150 cigars, while a 48L one can hold around 350. To ensure good air circulation, choosing a humidor that’s 30% larger than your current needs is wise, giving you room for future additions and keeping humidity evenly distributed among your cigars.
2. What’s the Secret to Cigar Care?
The ideal conditions for storing cigars are a temperature of 60°F-70°F and a humidity of 65%-70%. A quality humidor maintains these levels with stable temperature and humidity control, keeping your cigars in pristine condition, ready for you to enjoy cigars' rich aroma and flavor without worrying about dryness, mold, or decay.3. Traditional vs. Electric Cigar Humidor:
Traditional humidors usually use basic methods to control temperature and humidity, which can be inconsistent. Electric humidors, on the other hand, are equipped with smart systems that monitor and adjust the environment with advanced chip technology, keeping your cigars in a stable environment all the time.
4. The Key Role of Cedar Wood:
The shelves and trays of a high-quality humidor are typically made from cedar. The natural aroma of cedar enhances the flavor of cigars while effectively regulating cigar humidity and preventing insect damage. When choosing a cigar humidor, look for cedar with professional certification to ensure its quality and performance.
5. Details Matter for a Better Experience:
When selecting cigar humidors, some details matter. Features like adjustable trays and drawers can help you store your cigars flexibly. Double-layered tempered glass effectively blocks light to protect the quality of your cigars. If you’re sensitive to noise, look for humidors with semiconductor technology, which tend to be quieter.6. The Importance of Humidor Placement:
Locate your cigar humidor in a well-ventilated, dry area, away from direct sunlight and damp areas. The ideal room temperature is around 77°F, so places like your living room, study, or wine cellar can both protect your cigars and add a touch of elegance to your home.
7. How to Set up Your New Humidor:
People are used to setting the temperature and humidity and loading up their new humidors with cigars as soon as they arrive. But hold on a second! If you do that, the humidor temperature and humidity might not settle to your desired condition, and any residual shipping odors could affect your cigars. The best way is to let your humidor run empty for at least 2 hours without any settings. After that, you can start adjusting the settings to suit your preferences.8. Purified Water Affects Cigar Care:
Before using a cigar humidor with a water tank, it's crucial to fill it with purified water. Why purified water, you may ask? Because tap water can alter the taste and aroma of your cigars. Furthermore, when filling the tank, keep an eye on the water level to make sure it doesn't exceed the maximum line.9. Store Different Brands and Flavors Separately:
To preserve the unique flavors of your cigars, try to store different brands and flavors separately to prevent them from affecting each other. Regularly check for signs of tobacco bugs or mold, and take preventive measures if necessary. With proper storage, cigars can last for 5-10 years or even longer!10. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance is Key:
Clean your humidor cabinet with warm water and baking soda solution regularly, and clean the dust filter every 3 months to prevent mold and odors. After cleaning, double-check the settings to ensure they maintain optimal humidity and temperature for the humidor.
Needone focuses on creating high-quality cigar humidors with various capacity options to meet all your cigar storage needs. Needone humidors feature exclusive semiconductor temperature and humidity control systems, smart monitoring technology, certified Spanish cedar, and double-layered tempered glass, ensuring your cigars are always stored in the best conditions. Whether you're new to cigars or an experienced cigar enthusiast, we have the perfect product to savor the good times of cigars.
If you want to learn more about how to set up your humidor, check out our product manuals and videos.