Recommended Guide | Top 5 Cigar Brands and Their Must Picks
When it comes to cigars, the market is overflowing with options—thousands of brands, each with its unique regional flavors and background. Every cigar tells a story of time and craftsmanship, from the rich layered flavors of Cuba to the delicate smoothness of the Dominican Republic and the full-bodied intensity of Nicaragua. It's no wonder that both beginners and seasoned smokers can find themselves spoiled for choice.In this blog, Needone is excited to share five cigar brands you absolutely must try, along with a standout product from each!
1. Romeo y Julieta & Romeo y Julieta 1875 Short Churchills
Why We Love It: Unique soil creates an outstanding aroma.Romeo y Julieta is a name that resonates in the cigar world, and even newbies can’t help but get curious about this romantic brand. Their cigars are grown in Cuba’s nutrient-rich red soil, brimming with organic minerals, which impart a fantastic aroma and flavor. The classic Romeo y Julieta 1875 is smooth and mild, with hints of spice and cocoa. The rich flavors linger in your mouth as you smoke it, revealing sweet and fruity tastes. It’s a great entry pick for beginners, and for seasoned smokers, it can evoke nostalgic memories of your first cigar.
2. Montecristo & Montecristo No.2
Why We Love It: One cigar, multiple flavors.Montecristo is the epitome of classic taste, using only the finest Cuban tobacco that’s carefully cultivated and fermented. Each cigar is rich and full-bodied, and the iconic Montecristo No.2 is particularly beloved for its complex flavor. Expect a rich woody aroma and smooth chocolate notes upfront, followed by coffee and nuts, with a subtle hint of spice. Each smoke delivers a satisfying, lingering finish that keeps you coming back for more.
3. Macanudo & Macanudo Inspirado Green
Why We Love It: Bold innovation with exotic flavors."Macanudo" means "excellent" in Spanish, and this brand lives up to its name with its smooth and delicate cigars. In 2014, Macanudo took a bold step and introduced the Inspirado Green, offering a richer, bolder flavor. It blends exotic Brazilian and Colombian tobaccos, featuring the unique Arapiraca wrapper alongside Carmen Cubito and Piloto Cubano tobaccos, creating a velvety smooth smoke with earthy and peppery undertones. A must-try for connoisseurs seeking new flavor adventures.
4. Cohiba & Cohiba Esplendido Churchill
Why We Love It: A work of art with ever-changing flavors.
Once considered a limited-production brand, Cohiba has become more than just a symbol of power; it represents the pinnacle of cigar artistry. Meticulously selected tobacco, aged for up to three years, gives Cohiba its unique and rich flavor. The Cohiba Esplendido Churchill is a rollercoaster of taste, offering a beautiful fusion of rich chocolate, sweet nuts, and woody aromas. This complex and full-bodied cigar is perfect for those who love a strong flavor.5. Davidoff & Davidoff Signature 2000
Why We Love It: A smooth and sophisticated blend.
The Swiss brand Davidoff is renowned for its unique blended cigars, making it a standout in the market. By carefully selecting top-quality tobacco from around the world, Davidoff creates a complex and rich flavor smoking experience. The Davidoff Signature 2000, known for its elegant flavor, is ideal for beginners. It offers a smooth, creamy aroma of barley, cream, and cedar wood, with a mild taste that pairs well with a glass of milk or coffee.Everyone has a unique taste, and we suggest beginners start there when choosing a cigar that suits them. If you're an experienced smoker looking to explore new flavors, one of the above recommendations is sure to hit the spot.
Finally, a quick reminder from Needone: some cigars, like some Cuban cigars, are sold fresh and may not have reached their full flavor potential. Generally, they need to be aged in a humidor at the right humidity and temperature to bring out their best flavors. If you're still searching for your ideal humidor, Needone 3rd-generation electric humidor with a temperature and humidity-controlled system has you covered.